
Railserveis a different kind of switching company. No other locomotive manufacturer has placed a greater emphasis on safety and reliability, and their award-winning genset locomotives are among the most technologically advanced in the industry. The Railserve LEAF, available now at欧宝体育在线登录入口, uses state-of-the-art controls to reduce fuel consumption by 50% of a comparable standard diesel locomotive while cutting over 80% of NOx emissions. The savings, improved efficiency, and better environmental record are real.

H&K Equipment is proud to offer the Railserve LEAF and other brands from the Marmon Group, includingTrackmobileandZephir. Click below to learn more about the LEAF genset locomotive or call1-833-RAIL-MVRto speak to an H&K Equipment representative.

Genset LocomotiveS

Manufactured by switchers, for switchers. Safer and more efficient.
